
     I believe in treating the whole person not just the presenting symptoms.

     I saw the value of a holistic approach while working as a certified SLPA at a private practice in Florida. In South America I saw the challenges that a lack of resources and knowledge have on treatment success, and I learned during my clinical placements that the fundamental common thread is that clients and their loved ones fear what they don’t understand.

    There was no single ‘moment’ that put me on this path. It was, instead, a journey of self- reflection, time, and the eventual understanding that everyone’s path to – and definition of – success is unique. I do believe however, that given the appropriate support and guidance, open communicaton, viewing the therapy through a holistic approach, and a never-give-up attitude toward treatment can help people to find the power within to improve and achieve.

    I have worked with children and teens who have Autism, Down Syndrome, and ADHD. I have been bitten, scratched, and punched during treatement sessions but in every instance,  because I believe in a holistic approach to treatment, I did not focus solely on the outbursts and setbacks but instead I looked to see the whole person and, as a result, I was able to find common ground with each one.

    Some responded to music, some to play, while others simply needed to feel as though they were in control.

    I believe in a team-centered environment. One filled with creativity, motivation, growth through self-reflection, and a philosophy that is not locked into a one-dimensional approach to therapy.